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Showing posts from January, 2007

Selecting Cells - The Faster Way

If you wish to perform a function on a group of cells, you must first select those cells by highlighting them. The exercises that follow teach you how to select. To select cells A1 to E1: Go to cell A1. Press the F8 key. This anchors the cursor. Note that "Extend Selection" appears on the Status bar in the lower-left corner of the window. You are in the Extend mode. Click in cell E7. Excel highlights cells A1 to E7. Press Esc and click anywhere on the worksheet to clear the highlighting. Alternative Method:     Select Cells by Dragging You can also select an area by holding down the left mouse button and dragging the mouse over the area. In addition, you can select noncontiguous areas of the worksheet by doing the following: Go to cell A1. Hold down the Ctrl key. You won't release it until step 9. Holding down the Ctrl key enables you to select noncontiguous areas of the worksheet. Press the left mouse button. While holding down the left mouse button, ...

30+ shortcuts to speed up your calculations - Excel

Select the current column [Ctrl] + [Space] Select the current row [Shift] + [Space] Edit the active cell [F2] Move to the beginning of the worksheet [Ctrl] + [Home] Move to the last cell on the worksheet [Ctrl] + [End] Paste a name into a formula [F3] Paste a function into a formula [Shift] + [F3] Alternate value/formula view [Ctrl] + [`] (on key [1]) Calculate all sheets in all open workbooks [F9] To go to a cell quickly [F5] or [Ctrl] + [G] Display the Find dialog box [Shift] + [F5] Display the Format Cells dialog box [Ctrl] + [1] Create a chart [F11] Insert a new sheet [Alt] + [Shift] + [F1] Repeat the last action [F4] Repeat Find [Shift] + [F4] Open [Ctrl] + [F12] Exit [Ctrl] + [F4] Check spelling of current cell [F7] Activate the menu bar [F10] Display the Macro dialog box [Alt] + [F8] Apply outline to active cell [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [&] Convert to a percentage [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [%] Select all filled cells around active cell [Ctrl]...