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Showing posts from 2010

SQL - Naming Convention

Naming Convention in SQL Stored Procedure.   sp<Application Name>_[<group name >_]<action type><table name or logical instance> Where action is: Get, Delete, Update, Write, Archive, Insert… i.e. verb  Example: spApplicationName_GetUserDetails        spApplicationName_UpdateEmails Note :Do not prefix stored procedure names with “SP_”, as “SP_” is reserved for system stored procedures. Triggers: TR_<TableName>_<action><description>  Example: TR_Emails_LogEmailChanges , TR_UserDetails_UpdateUserName Indexes :  IX_<tablename>_<columns separated by_>  Example: IX_UserDetails_UserID Primary Key : PK_<tablename>  Example: PK_UserDetails PK_ Emails Foreign Key : FK_<tablename_1>_<tablename_2>  Example: FK_UserDetails_Emails Default:  DF_<table name>_<column name>  Example: DF_ UserDetails _UserName Tables, Views, Stored Procedur...

Reading Transaction Log in SQL

If you are using SQL Server 6.5 you could query the system table SYSLOGS, by using the following statement: SELECT xactid AS TRAN_ID, CASE op WHEN 0 THEN 'BEGINXACT Start Transaction' WHEN 1 THEN 'Sysindexes Change' WHEN 2 THEN 'Not Used' WHEN 3 THEN 'Not Used' WHEN 4 THEN 'INSERT Insert Row' WHEN 5 THEN 'DELETE Delete Row' WHEN 6 THEN 'INSIND Deferred Update step 2 insert record' WHEN 7 THEN 'IINSERT NC Index Insert' WHEN 8 THEN 'IDELETE NC Index Delete' WHEN 9 THEN 'MODIFY Modify Row' WHEN 10 THEN 'NOOP' WHEN 11 THEN 'INOOP Deferred Update step 1 insert record' WHEN 12 THEN 'DNOOP Deferred Update step 1 delete record' WHEN 13 THEN 'ALLOC Allocate Page' WHEN 14 THEN 'DBNEXTID Allocate Next Object ID' WHEN 15 THEN 'EXTENT Allocate Empty Extent' WHEN 16 THEN 'SPLIT Page split' WHEN 17 THEN 'CHECKPOINT' WHEN 18 THEN 'SAV...

JavaScript Interview Questions

This is a compilations of all the interview questions related to Javascript that i have encountered.  Q: Difference between window.onload and onDocumentReady? A: The onload event does not fire until every last piece of the page is loaded, this includes css and images, which means there’s a huge delay before any code is executed. That isnt what we want. We just want to wait until the DOM is loaded and is able to be manipulated. onDocumentReady allows the programmer to do that. Q:  What is the difference between == and === ? A: The == checks for value equality, but === checks for both type and value. Few examples: "1" == 1; // value evaluation only, yields true "1" === 1; // value and type evaluation, yields false "1" == true; // "1" as boolean is true, value evaluation only, yields true "1" === false; // value and type evaluation, yields false Q: What does “1″+2+5 evaluate to? What about 5 + 2 +...

Javascript - Points to Remember

What is it? Client-Side Scripting Language (we send the code to the client and let them run it) Asp.Net is sever side Developed by Sun Microsystem Programming Language of the web that adds interactivity to the pages Only works inside a web browser to manipulate web pages. Cannot be used in windows application. Does not have access to file system, database, usb port jquery - 3rd party javascript library . provide excellent cross browser functions (Microsoft product) web pages have the following 3 core languages html - content eg: what needs to be displayed and how css - presentation eg: background color, font javascript - behavior (interactivity) eg: wht happens on mouse click EcmaScript 3 - 1999 has full support on IE, Firefox, chrome, opera, safari Where to put the javascript: Inline In Script tag                   In another file    ...

Cross Join or comma separated tables

In SQL cross join returns the Cartesian product of all tables involved in the join.  For two tables, the resulting number of rows returned equals the number of rows in the first table times the number of rows in the second table. It  can be written using one of the two syntax: SELECT  A.COLUMN1 , B.COLUMN1 , C.COLUMN1  FROM TABLE1 A ,  TABLE1 B  ,  TABLE1 C OR SELECT  A.COLUMN1 , B.COLUMN1 , C.COLUMN1  FROM TABLE1 A   CROSS JOIN TABLE1 B  CROSS JOIN TABLE1 C

SQL Server 2008 - Inline Variable Assignment

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 brings in a new feature of 'Declaring and Assigning' a variable all in a single line. Earlier, while using SQL 2005 and earlier versions, we had to declare a variable before assigning it. This feature is explained in detail below. In SQL 2005 and earlier versions we had to write: Declare @age int Declare @name nvarchar(25) Declare @date date Set @age = 25 Set @name = "Garry" Set @date = GETDATE() With SQL 2008 we can combine both these statements to write Declare @age int = 25 Declare @name nvarchar(25) Declare @date @date = GETDATE() Advantage : This helps us to write less code, yet get the same functionality. Even though this feature has been available it is not being used in many projects because of backward compatibility issue. If the same code is being used on both 2005 and 2008 server we would prefer writing in a format compatible to both. Do share with us :  Would you like to use this new method? If not, why?

WPF Step by Step

.Net 3.0 introduced a whole new bunch of things. WPF - Windows Presentation Fountdation WCF - Windows Communication Foundation WF - Windows Workflow Engine Windows Cardspace.  Few months back when I started learning WPF I faced a lot of difficultly as there are so many resources on WPF and nothing takes you through step by step way to learn WPF. I thought of sharing some of the great sites / videos with you all. WPF Soup to Nuts (Eighteen Part Series) by Bill Steele Part 1. Introduction Part 2. What Is the Extensible Application Markup Language? Part 3 : searching the link... sorry about that Part 4. Hello World In case you like learning from a book - Windows Presentation Foundation Unleashed (link below) is a great book. This is my small attempt to create a guide for WPF learners. I will really appreciate it, if you could share some comments or good links to benefit WPF learners

Do's and Don't SQL

Do's: Writing comments whenever something is not very obvious, as it won’t impact the performance.  (--) for single line  (/*…*/) to mark a section Use proper indentation Use Upper Case for all SQL keywords. SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT, WHERE, INNER JOIN, AND, OR, LIKE. Use BEGIN... END block for multiple statements in conditional code  Use Declare and Set in beginning of Stored procedure Create objects in same database where its relevant table exists otherwise it will reduce network performance. Use PRIMARY key in WHERE condition of UPDATE or DELETE statements as this will avoid error possibilities. If User table references Employee table than the column name used in reference should be UserID where User is table name and ID primary column of User table and UserID is reference column of Employee table. Use select column name instead of select * Use CTE (Common Table Expression); its scope is limited to the next statement in SQL query, instead of...

Stored Procedure or In-line code?

I was reviewing this application created by my colleague and was wondering, do we need a stored procedure for single insert statements. Could this be not written directly in the code? First, let me tell you what is a Stored Procedure is. A Stored Procedure is a group of Transact-SQL statements (DDL & DML) compiled into a single execution plan. It contain programming statements that perform operations in the database, including calling other procedures. A proc can accept input parameters and return multiple values in the form of output parameters to the calling procedure or batch. There are various advantages of a stored procedure (sometimes called a proc, sproc, StoPro, StoredProc, or SP) over inline code. The most important being 'Security' and 'Speed'. Compilation and storing of the query execution plan - Increases Speed & Reduces Network Traffic When SQL Server runs a query it calculates the most efficient method of processing the query and stores it in s...