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Showing posts from April, 2010

SQL Server 2008 - Inline Variable Assignment

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 brings in a new feature of 'Declaring and Assigning' a variable all in a single line. Earlier, while using SQL 2005 and earlier versions, we had to declare a variable before assigning it. This feature is explained in detail below. In SQL 2005 and earlier versions we had to write: Declare @age int Declare @name nvarchar(25) Declare @date date Set @age = 25 Set @name = "Garry" Set @date = GETDATE() With SQL 2008 we can combine both these statements to write Declare @age int = 25 Declare @name nvarchar(25) Declare @date @date = GETDATE() Advantage : This helps us to write less code, yet get the same functionality. Even though this feature has been available it is not being used in many projects because of backward compatibility issue. If the same code is being used on both 2005 and 2008 server we would prefer writing in a format compatible to both. Do share with us :  Would you like to use this new method? If not, why?

WPF Step by Step

.Net 3.0 introduced a whole new bunch of things. WPF - Windows Presentation Fountdation WCF - Windows Communication Foundation WF - Windows Workflow Engine Windows Cardspace.  Few months back when I started learning WPF I faced a lot of difficultly as there are so many resources on WPF and nothing takes you through step by step way to learn WPF. I thought of sharing some of the great sites / videos with you all. WPF Soup to Nuts (Eighteen Part Series) by Bill Steele Part 1. Introduction Part 2. What Is the Extensible Application Markup Language? Part 3 : searching the link... sorry about that Part 4. Hello World In case you like learning from a book - Windows Presentation Foundation Unleashed (link below) is a great book. This is my small attempt to create a guide for WPF learners. I will really appreciate it, if you could share some comments or good links to benefit WPF learners