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Showing posts from January, 2012

Adding a linked Server using the GUI

Adding a linked Server using the GUI There are two ways to add another SQL Server as a linked server.  Using the first method, you need to specify the actual server name as the “linked server name”.  What this means is that everytime you want to reference the linked server in code, you will use the remote server’s name.  This may not be beneficial because if the linked server’s name changes, then you will have to also change all the code that references the linked server.  I like to avoid this method even though it is easier to initially setup.  The rest of the steps will guide you through setting up a linked server with a custom name: To add a linked server using SSMS (SQL Server Management Studio), open the server you want to create a link from in object explorer. In SSMS, Expand Server Objects -> Linked Servers -> (Right click on the Linked Server Folder and select “New Linked Server”) Add New Linked Server The “New Linked Server” Dialog a...