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Insufficient access rights to perform the operation. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80072098)

While accessing the active directory (AD) and authorization manager (AZMAN) , If you get “  Insufficient access rights to perform the operation. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80072098) “ message check the  account that is being used to get the LDAP query from AD . 


Exception Details: System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException: Insufficient access rights to perform the operation. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80072098)

Source Error:
Line 154:    'Session("FullName") = System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent.Name.ToString()
Line 155:
Line 156:    If Not User.IsInRole("Role1") Then
Line 157:          Response.Redirect("./Login.aspx")
Line 158:    End If

 Stack Trace : ....


Steps to do check the app pool rights:

  1. Click on the website name that you are having problem with in IIS 
  2. In the right panel you will see 'Basic Settings'. Click It.
  3. Select the specific pool option and enter the name of the account@domain and the password. 
Please note that this app pool account will have the same domain user name . Sometimes having different names causes problems.
  1. Click Ok
  2. Test the site. 


The app pool account is being used to get the LDAP query from AD did not have rights to read the role

Having set multiple sites I have seen the major cause of problem is the rights of the account pool that is messed up. Even if it displays correctly sometimes just reentering it , solves it.


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